Meghan McCain Rips Republican Party for Making Her Feel 'Worthless' In 'Sausagefest of MAGA'

Meghan McCain Rips Republican Party for Making Her Feel 'Worthless' In 'Sausagefest of MAGA'

McCain feels ostracized by her party because she and women like Liz Cheney won't bow to "Cheeto Jesus."

Usually it's Joy Behar ripping Republicans a new one on "The View," but on Wednesday morning, Meghan McCain took aim.

The topic at hand was House Republican Conference Chair Liz Cheney's likely removal from leadership, after House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy supported the move and said in leaked audio that she's "got real problems" and added, "I've had it with her ... I've lost confidence."

"Let's cut the crap, he wasn't caught on a hot mic. I think anyone in politics knows that that was done intentionally," said McCain on Wednesday, aligning herself with Cheney as one of the few Republicans to speak out against Donald Trump -- the real reason Meghan believes the Wyoming rep is being targeted.

"What's happening is -- it's very clear and I'm going to be a little crass -- they're shivving her for her going on television multiple times and saying the election wasn't stolen and for refusing to debase herself for Cheeto Jesus," she continued, before expressing her frustrations with her party.

"I don't understand what's going on. I have spent the past 5 years of my life trying to accept, understand and include the MAGA base of this party," she continued, "and the message that's being sent by the highest member of Republicans in Congress is that women like me and Liz Cheney, who refuse to bend the knee to President Trump but still remain loyal Republicans, we don't have a place in this party, we are worthless, we are not worth fighting for to keep."

She went on to say she's not buying any "spin" from people like McCarthy who say Cheney's ousting "is about anything else but her not supporting President Trump" -- and warned Republicans what "doubling down" on making 45 "the future" of the party could mean.

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"What happened when we doubled down that Trump is the future? We lost four, count 'em, four Senate seats in the last election in red states. We lost a giant election, spectacularly," she continued. "We are going to blood-let the party from women like me, college-educated women that lost you the election in the first place. I don't understand it, it's the most asinine politics I have seen in a really really long time, in a cacophony of asinine politics."

McCain said that should Republicans continue down this road, "there's gonna be consequences."

"Go ahead in this sausagefest of MAGA up on Capitol Hill. Pull her out and put another woman in who will do and say anything you want for President Trump, 'The election wasn't stolen, he is Jesus, it's only Trumpism going forward,'" she concluded. "See where it lands us in midterms, I'm absolutely furious."

Title: Meghan McCain Rips Republican Party for Making Her Feel 'Worthless' In 'Sausagefest of MAGA'
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Published Date: Wed, 05 May 2021 18:18:09 +0000

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