Hottest Hot Ones of 2021

Hottest Hot Ones of 2021

Watch Mila Kunis call out Ashton Kutcher on his "LIES"

It's a well-known interrogation tactic: cause someone pain and they will spill their most intimate secrets.

The same logic seems to rule over at First We Feast's insanely popular show "Hot Ones" which sees celebs eat ever increasingly spicy wings while answering tough questions about their careers, personal lives, and stuff found on the furthest reaches of the internet.

Below you'll find some of host Sean Evans' most revealing, and often hilarious, interviews during 2021 with some of Hollywood's brightest.

First on the list is Mila Kunis' interview from October, where she called out her husband Ashton Kutcher for some apparent lies he may or may not have told when he made an appearance on the YouTube show back in 2019.

In his interview, Kutcher, 43, -- who played Steve Jobs in the 2013 film, "Jobs," -- recalled how he was hospitalized for pancreatitis after drinking too much carrot juice while following Jobs' fruitarian diet to prepare for the role.

Evans brought this up to Kunis, who confirmed Kutcher's hospitalization, but said her husband was "downplaying" the severity of what went down.

"He was so dumb," she said. "He also, I think, only ate grapes at one point."

"It's so stupid," she added. "We ended up in the hospital twice with pancreatitis. So, fact check, yes, it was really dumb."

The "Friends with Benefits" star went on to catch Kutcher in a lie after she was asked about his claim that he had "gotten rid" of all of his clothes from "That '70s Show," such as trucker hats and suede jackets.

"What are you talking about?" Kunis said to Kutcher, who was on the "Hot Ones" set with her. "You didn't get rid of anything. You have plenty of trucker hats and the entire '70s' wardrobe is downstairs. What is this?"

Kutcher hilariously yelled off-camera in response. Kunis smiled, saying, "lies, lies."

You gotta watch it for yourself:

Another big hit was when Jeffrey Dean Morgan squirmed his way through his torture session and opened up about his career in the process.

During his virtual sit-down with Evans, the "Walking Dead" star was asked to expand upon a quote he told EW in 2012, in which he called his role as one of the Xindi-Reptilian on "Star Trek: Enterprise" as the project that "almost made me quit" acting.

"That quote is on the nose, that feeling is on the nose, that job was on the nose, in a bad way," he told Evans of the one-episode gig.

"It turns out I'm claustrophobic. I had a really hard time doing the makeup process, I had straws in my nose," he recalled. "I've never been on a set where I went home at night and just thought, 'What am I doing, I've made the worst f---ing decision of my life, I don't ever want to be an actor again.'"

"I was sure that this was just wrong and it almost made me quit," he added. "It was horrible."

That job was in 2003, just a couple years before bigger breaks on both "Supernatural" and "Grey's Anatomy" and starring roles in "Watchmen" and "P.S. I Love You."

While sweating through some extremely spicy hot sauces on the viral show, Morgan also talked about his friendship with Norman Reedus, playing a villain on "TWD" and reflected on his many on-screen deaths, including Denny Duquette's on "Grey's Anatomy."

"'Grey's Anatomy' I knew was something special. That's the one time that I saw my death coming and was trying anything I could to get out of that death," he explained. "That character Denny and that love story with Izzie took the world by storm. I knew how f---ing lucky I was to be there and I was like, 'Please don't kill me.' I did, I begged [Shonda Rhimes]. That's what changed my life. Being Denny, where I never got out of bed, is why Zack Snyder hired me to be The Comedian. That's how special that was."

Watch below some more of the best Hot Ones of 2021:

Title: Hottest Hot Ones of 2021
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Published Date: Thu, 30 Dec 2021 20:09:56 +0000

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