Can Frenchie survive his own disastrous Head of Household reign last week? Plus, new HOH crowned ushers in a whole new game.
It's been the wildest season of "Big Brother" in years -- and it's only been two weeks.
From an entertainment point of view, Frenchie is must-see TV if only to see what disaster he's going to create this week. From a game point of view, he's an absolute liability to anyone and everyone.
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We've not seen anyone come into this game playing as hard as he did after winning that Week 1 Head of Household, while also playing incredibly poorly. It's one thing to try and spin 15 plates at the same time if you have some skill at that, it's another thing if you've never done it before.
Frenchie may be a superfan of the show, but he clearly didn't quite get the memo that this thing happens over three months. He tried to play three months of strategizing and aligning and sowing chaos in the first few days.
All of that is to say that he inevitably wound up on the block and the target heading into this week's eviction night, with his teammate and perhaps his most loyal soldier, Britini, sitting up there next to her.
And still, he wasn't done trying. We'll give credit where credit is due in that the man never gave up. But we're not sure he has the awareness to even realize all the mistakes he's made since the day he walked into the house.
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Britini or Frenchie?
There's no point in beating a dead horse to further death, and that's exactly what we're doing here. Despite his best efforts, Frenchie fell short to the tune of 11 votes to evict him and only one to keep him. It won't be hard for the house to guess that's Derek F.
Big D and Frenchie established a "ride-or-die" bond from the start of the game. Teammates on the Jokers, they forged an alliance so strong it may well be that Kyland misjudged the game slightly by thinking Britini was the most loyal to Frenchie on that team.
Or perhaps it's just that he is technically in a low-key alliance with Derek F, The Cookout. That said, the Cookout is not really working together so much as they're not actively working against one another.
It's a precarious way to run an alliance, as moves like Kyland targeting Derek F's "ride-or-die" could jeopardize their own alliance in The Cookout. It remains to be seen how strong The Cookout still is.
Frenchie took care of blowing up his Slaughterhouse alliance himself, and his side hustle, the French Kisses (an all-girls alliance started by a guy!?!) never seemed real at all. So with everything effectively collapsed. Kyland decided to take a page out of Frenchie's book.
Frenchie spent his last days in power setting up these massive alliances in hopes they'd keep him safe this week. We saw how well that worked out.
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New Power Alliance Rises
Kyland took a smarter approach to this idea of planning for your first week after HOH.
Rather than try and make an alliance wholesale, he approached the existing Teams built into this season's structure. Speaking on behalf of his own Queens (with Tiffany and Claire), he first approached the Aces and the Kings.
There was no reason to approach the Jokers to talk safety for next week because he had two of their number on the Block. Of course, they were going to think of him as a possible target if they win.
Kyland's strategy did several things for him. First, it exposed the Aces as a team that wasn't really willing to offer him any comforting words of safety ... except for Derek X. Derek X even stayed behind to note to Kyland that his team had not promised safety to Kyland, but that he would gladly do so.
The king of the Veto had proven loyal to Kyland two weeks in a row (first removing him from the Block and then not using the POV to secure Kyland's nominations). But he had no idea what he may have just done for himself.
That's because in Kyland's next meeting, the Kings did not even hesitate to assure him and his entire team safety next week. And just like that, the Kings & Queens alliance was formed (with an Ace in his pocket in Derek X).
Once again, Kyland found himself in an alliance of half the house. Now, we know how much "BB" producers hate these mega-alliances. They didn't have to do anything for the Slaughterhouse to collapse, but they might try and meddle in this one with a Wild Card twist if it gets too powerful.
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New Head of Household
With Kyland's week an incredibly smooth success -- what a difference from Week 1! -- it was time to look ahead to the next power in the house, and we did so with a silly man-on-the-street quiz section featuring videos of "Celebrity Big Brother" contestant Tom Green harassing people in Ottawa about the show.
It came down to Alyssa, Derek X, Hannah, Sarah Beth and Xavier in the final round, which is a testament to the competition strengths of both Sarah Beth and Derek X. But all of a sudden, everyone except Xavier got that round's question wrong and a new HOH was crowned.
See how that work pays off dividends right away? Kyland had just struck that safety deal that formed the Kings & Queens alliance, and suddenly the Kings rise to power and safety with their word to also keep the Queens safe.
If they stay true to that, we're looking at safety for Kings Alyssa, Christian and Sarah Beth, as well as the remaining Queens, Claire, Tiffany and Kyland.
In that same meeting, the Kings were quick to throw out their idea of new targets for the week, leaning in a direction familiar to Kyland. Just as the Aces had sketched him out by not offering him safety this week, the Kings threw out two of their numbers as possible targets: Brent and Whitney.
Could the week really go that simply? Will Derek F face any scrutiny for being the only one to throw a vote of support behind Frenchie during the eviction? Will that hurt his relationship with Britini, or will he try to lie and say it wasn't him?
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Houseguest Report Cards
Kyland Young (30) took control of his own fate heading out of his HOH reign, and it couldn't have worked out better for him. He's proven a real savvy strategist in how he orchestrated a flawless HOH week and now slides smoothly into what should be an effortless post-week relaxation period. Grade: A+
Xavier Prather (27) has kept all his options open, and laid low this summer, simply observing what's been going on. His Cookout alliance appears to still be intact, and his new Kings & Queens alliance just found itself in power, and thus likely in control of what happens this week as they'll have the numbers. It should be smooth sailing. Grade: A
Tiffany Mitchell (40) finds herself in the Kings & Queens alliance by default, but you can bet she'll be paying close attention, getting into Xavier's ear and making sure that she is right on the pulse of this game, as she has been since practically the first day. Grade: A
Sarah Beth Steagall (27) and Christian Birkenberger (23) have automatic safety this week, while they've slowly built their resumes with some competition wins. Sarah Beth has the stronger social game, while Christian is more physical, so they're still pretty balanced. Grade: A-
Alyssa Lopez (25) must be thrilled to have safety this week, thanks to Xavier. She's definitely developing a strong social game, which is currently her biggest strength. She had a solid showing in the HOH competition, so mental games may be where she can score a much-needed win, but she's in a good spot for now. Grade: B+
Claire Renfuss (25) should enjoy safety as part of the Kings & Queens agreement. On top of that, she's effectively kept herself well under the radar, strategically just doing okay in competitions. While doing this, though, she's playing a strong social game and building alliances, which is the best way to lay low physically. Grade: B
Derek Xiao (24) should benefit from his honesty with Kyland, as we suspect Kyland and Xavier will confer about this week's plan. He's not part of the Kings & Queens, but Kyland will probably nevertheless fight on his behalf, and with plenty of other targets to choose from among Jokers and Aces, we suspect Derek X will be just fine. Grade: B
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Azah Awasum (30) is in a vulnerable spot, but possibly the least vulnerable as a member of The Cookout who hasn't rocked any boats with anyone, and certainly not with Xavier. Her vote to evict Frenchie will help her in the eyes of the rest of the house, so we suspect she won't be a super-attractive option this week. Grade: B
Hannah Chaddha (21) could possibly find herself in trouble if the house is determined to get a woman out. With two guys out now, the women have the numbers and that creates all-women alliance nervousness among the guys, and sometimes women who may not be part of one. We don't think she'll be targeted, but if other options find safety, she could land in trouble by default. Grade: C+
Derek Frazier (29) might get a pass on his vote to evict Britini, as perhaps everyone knew Frenchie was going and Derek F was just throwing a bone to his friend to protect his feelings. At the same time, the decision could come back to hurt him. Also, with his "ride-or-die" gone, Derek F is going to have to find a new strategy moving forward, so what that is could determine how he fares moving forward. Grade: C
Britini D'Angelo (24) could find herself in trouble for the same reason as Hannah, and because she was so loyal to Frenchie and her Jokers. That blind allegiance means she may not be willing to work with the Kings & Queens, so if the decision is to let a girl go, she could well be one of those candidates. Grade: C
Brent Champagne (28) has already been named by the Kings, so with Xavier in power, it's very likely he'll find himself a target. Right now, the Kings and the Aces are at four members still (while the Jokers and Queens have three each). There's another reason and advantage for the Kings to target Aces, as it gives them the team edge. Grade: C-
Whitney Williams (30) slides just below Brent simply because she's a woman. As a Team Captain, the house knows she can win competitions and Xavier (as a guy) may well be reluctant to give the women an edge of 8-5 in the house. If he decides to target a woman, Whitney and Britini are probably his biggest threats, so Whitney gets this spot simply by the fact that she was already mentioned as a Kings possible target. Grade C-
Brandon "Frenchie" French (34) never scored higher than a D+ from us, even through his HOH reign, because he was playing with no long-term strategy and no subtlety. Instead, he was like the Kool-Aid man busting through all the walls in the house and wondering why everyone was mad and everything was crumbling all around him. Grade: F
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House Chatter
- "Hey. Checkmate." --Frenchie (to Kyland after Veto wasn't used -- said again after he was evicted)
- "I can campaign for myself but I won't campaign against her." --Frenchie (about Britini)
- "I just don't want to go out unanimous. That would hurt my feelings." --Frenchie
- "Well you might if you don't go start talking to people." --Derek F
- "If you did stay here next week, what would you do?" --Claire (to Frenchie)
- "I would definitely play a much quieter game." --Frenchie
- "Being a superfan in this game, if Dan came back from the dadgum dead, I'm sure I can change a few minds and create a ripple effect to keep me safe this week." --Frenchie (working hard)
- "C.B.S. Thank you for this incredible opportunity / Mom, Dad, Nana, Anna, Phil, my unity / I love you all so much, I'm sorry if I scared you / But if I'm being honest, I was scared, too / Saw my face on the wall and I was like, 'Wow! / Beautiful face, but hell naw, get me out!' / This week's been crazy fully of laughs and tears / I've cried enough this week to last me five years / Houseguests, friends, I love you all dearly / And I hope that you all can see one thing clearly / I love this game and I came to play / So when you go in that booth, you better vote for me to stay." --Britini (Save-Me speech)
- "How do you think you did as Head of Household?" --Julie (to Frenchie)
- "I came in strong, but I came in with a purpose. My wife told me that if you want to make a change in the game, you needed to get off the couch and get in the house and go do it. For me personally, I saw the type of people, like the old guy and things like that always getting evicted first, and I wanted to change that. So I made it a point to come in with the first week, give it everything I had and make that change. I'm proud of myself because no matter how hard I played, I created that change. I hope future seasons follow the same thing." --Frenchie
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Published Date: Fri, 23 Jul 2021 06:33:21 +0000