Bette Midler Apologizes for Calling West Virginians 'Poor, Illiterate and Strung Out'

Bette Midler Apologizes for Calling West Virginians 'Poor, Illiterate and Strung Out'

Midler was quickly labeled as an "out of touch elite"

While referencing Democratic Senator Joe Manchin and his dismissal of President Biden’s spending plans, Bette Midler took to Twitter to call out the political representative with a choice of words that sparked mass outrage.

She wrote on the social media platform, "What #JoeManchin, who represents a population smaller than Brooklyn, has done to the rest of America, who wants to move forward, not backward, like his state, is horrible. He sold us out. He wants us all to be just like his state, West Virginia. Poor, illiterate and strung out."

Midler was quickly labeled as an "out of touch elite" with many of her followers criticizing her harsh stereotyping.

A follower replied to Midler’s outburst, “When was the last time that you were here? How many people have you met from WV? Enough with the stereotypes.”

"Wtf, @BetteMidler. Not all West Virginians are illiterate, poor, or strung out. We don’t all check that stereotypical box. Just like I’m sure not all Manhattanites are short-sighted, egotistical, 'I'm better than everyone" a--holes. Right?! You’ve lost a fan," wrote another user.

After coming under fire for her words, Bette took to Twitter to apologize for her insensitive comments, but many fans said the apology "came too late."

"I apologize to the good people of WVA for my last outburst.  I'm just seeing red; #JoeManchin and his whole family are a criminal enterprise," Midler wrote in her apology. "Is he really the best WV has to offer its own citizens? Surely there's someone there who has the state’s interests at heart, not his own!"

This incident is not the first time the actress has faced criticism for her words on Twitter, back in August 2020, Midler came under fire for calling former First Lady Melania Trump an "illegal alien"  and "FLOTITS" after Melania's appearance on the RNC stage.

Title: Bette Midler Apologizes for Calling West Virginians 'Poor, Illiterate and Strung Out'
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Published Date: Tue, 21 Dec 2021 21:30:04 +0000

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